Friday, February 5, 2010

Dust in the Corners and Closets

This time of the year I start thinking about Spring cleaning. Winter is still going strong, but there is this want to be able to throw open the windows and let a fresh breeze sweep through my home and freshen it up. Not that my house smells (I don't think it does??), but it starts getting, you know, stuffy.

It is amazing how much stuff can collect when you are not intentionally throwing it out or putting it where it belongs. You know the stuff I'm talking about - junk mail, old projects, empty containers, worn out socks or ones with no mates, lots of dust "bunnies"...that kind of stuff. It feels soooo good when it is all put into order.

But I am not just speaking of the physical world - I'm talking about my Spiritual Spring cleaning and I know that I can do that anytime. You see, I know that spiritually speaking I do the following:
*Junk mail - stuff from outside home that I do not want - other people's feelings, fears and baggage that I pick up and carry around; old ideology and idolatry that keep coming back; the world's value system as it creeps into my life.
*Old projects - those things that God is working on in me that I am avoiding cause I am a bit sore and vulnerable; vows and promises I have made and are not keeping.
*Empty, broken containers - that's me when I do not fill up daily with the ONE who can do it. I am a broken container and can still be used by God.
*Worn out socks - holding onto old promises spoken into my life but not pursuing God to find His new ones for my life.
*Dust in the corners - old memories that dust up the corners of my mind and clutter up the closets of my heart. They need to go too.

See what I mean?? These things can get in and take up space. Time for a fresh wind.

So what does the Word say? Take a look at this;

Psalm 51:7 says
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

Hebrews 10:22 says,
let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

You see, I do know that my "Spring breeze" comes not from what I do but what He does. The good news is that I can allow God to sweep out that old stuff right now.


Father, You know me inside out. I need your Spirit to wash through me, to cleanse me from the inner most part of who I am. Forgive me for ignoring Your call to me to be filled - I truly have been foolish and acknowledge that as sin. I love You and praise You. Thank You for being ever loving and kind and good. Thank you. Amen.

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