Thursday, December 17, 2009

Book Deficit

A couple of months ago, I tried to look at the bookstores (online and walk in) for something to help me with a life challenge. I needed to find a book for parents that helps you deal with adult children. Here is what I found:

Books about before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and the birth of the child.

Books about babies, growing and nurturing, breast feeding and nutrition for both mom and baby.

Books about toddlers, "Terrible Twos and Threes," and the strong willed child.

Books about dealing with your preschooler and elementary age child.

Books about "tweeners", preteens and teenagers (LOTS of books).

Books helping your senior prepare for college (these were wishy-washy at best).

Books about caring for your parents as they age.

Lots of books of how I should be as an adult (fit, trim, emotionally healthy, wealthy and wise).

I did not find even ONE book on how to deal with children who are now adults. I guess I could extrapolate the good stuff from each of the books above and then apply it to what I need...nawww.

Then, I went to the one place I should have started. The Bible. In that one place I found a different way of being a parent to an adult - much patience, lotsa love, listening much, saying little, correcting when needed, directing when asked, and did I say loving lots. More of the same, just less words and much more patience.

I have changed as a person and have to expect that my adult "kids" have changed too. I am excited about the plans God has for them and definitely want to be a part of those plans. I know He has a plan for each of them. I am to be content that He is on the job now.

Psalm 49:3 My mouth will speak words of wisdom;
the utterance from my heart will give understanding.

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