Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Balanced Life

As a reminder, this is my rattle can. The stuff I write in here is stuff rattling around in my head that God is dealing with me about. So with that in writing...

Doug and I have been married 24 years now and heading very quickly for 25 (it really is true that time moves faster as you get older). In all those years, I have always held my marriage vows and kept Doug as my only - in other words, I have been faithful to him in heart, in mind and in deed. I would love to be able to say that about my relationship with Jesus.

A little over twenty-one years ago I said "Yes" to Jesus. He had wooed me for years. I can think of seven people from high school, college and early adult life who all were faithful to share what He meant in their lives. I finally listened in 1988 on a cold November night.

Since that day that I committed to accept Him as Lord of my life and Savior of my soul, it would be wonderful to say that I immediately started serving Him and have continuously done so since. It was in fact almost 2 years later before we looked for a church - no one said that was the next step. Sure, I prayed a little more and there were absolute changes in me, but I did not know what to do.

I would love to say that through the years I have committed to a life where Jesus is number one. I have said He is. I have tried different times to make it so.

The truth is, I chose to live the majority of my life with Christ adhering to the "modern day" version of being a Christian - The Balanced Life. You know the one that I'm talking about...you have work and home and church and friends and sports and so many other things happening - and they are all compartmentalized in the proper place with minimal overlaps. Just one kicker - I have found that it is not biblical.

As I study the Word, it reveals what is needed. Jesus says, take up your cross, leave your family, turn your cheek, give your shirt, love your enemies, walk humbly, be submitted to authority, do no evil in kind and thank your Heavenly Father for everything. I looked through several concordances and the only balance I found was this - "Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself." Paul said in Galatians 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. If we are living a Balanced life according to the world's standard - who are we trying to please?

This blog today is not about condemnation or even to bring guilt on me or anyone else - it is about knowing truth and then walking it out. I know that the closer I get to Jesus and the more I get to know about Him and what He did for me, the more my own depraved and sinful nature is revealed. Thank God for Grace and Forgiveness - it is from this that I have redemption and can lift up my eyes to see where my help comes from. He is the Truth and He is all Loving. The Bible says "that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us". The Just for the unjust that we might be brought into the very presence of God, reconciled with our Creator and King.

Do I have all of the answers figured out and am I walking out a true faith? Hardly. The truth is that I don't even know all the questions and am at times stumbling through my days. I do know however that God's Grace is perfect and extends to me even on those days.

Glory - that God loves me so much, He gave me balance in my sinful life by offering a sinless sacrifice in Jesus to pay the penalty for me and each and everyone of us. Amen and Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Just what I need to hear. Stay blessed and keep it coming!
