Monday, February 22, 2010


This is my shake can.

This is my testimony of the Power of God in my life.

I am a born again believer. I became a born again believer on November 16, 1988 when I acknowledged my sinfulness and realized my need for Jesus - the One Who died for me and arose from the grave 3 days later and is alive yet today. That event of salvation marked the beginning of my walk in sanctification - a daily walk growing closer to the One Who saved me. He saves!

I am a Spirit filled believer. On the day I was born again, I did receive the Holy Spirit - the same as every person born again. It wasn't until 14 years later that I obeyed God's stirring in me, a longing for more of Him, a need to reach out and receive more of Him. I asked and received an amazing gift of the overflow of the Holy Spirit in my life. I speak in tongues. He still fills us up today. Just ask and receive. 

I have seen God's miracles. I am a witness to the truth that He still does miracles today.

I have known a man who had so many tumors in his brain that the Dr.s gave his family no hope...yet when they did one more scan before surgery, there was not even one tumor. God still heals.

I have a friend who on a Friday had stage 2 colon cancer. She went to the healing rooms of a church to be prayed for over the weekend. On Monday, she returned to her Dr. to start her new treatment. The Dr. tested her one last time before her new series and there was no cancer. God still heals.

I have shared the Gospel with a family of seven...and everyone of them accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior... yet only three of them spoke English and I did not speak their language...yet we fully conversed. They heard me in Tagalog and I heard them in English. God still sends the Holy Spirit to give utterances in each person's own language.

I have known a man who had one leg 2" shorter than the other and who lived in constant pain. One night in response to an alter call for healing, he came forward. I saw with my own eyes his leg grow. He no longer walks with a limp or is in pain. God still heals.

I have seen a demon flee at the name of Jesus and watched as God delivered people who were tormented be set free. God still delivers and sets the captives free.

I have woken up with the Word of God on my lips and watched as not only that day, but the next year be walked out with encouragement that God was in control. He still calms the sea.

I have seen so much more as God heals the ill and broken hearted, delivers the oppressed, and manifests Himself still. The miracles of the Gospels and book of Acts are still happening today in America and around the world. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

If you are a believer who has wondered about being filled with the Holy Spirit to is very simple. You do not need hype and drama - in the quiet of your living room talk to God. Out loud, tell Him how much you love Him. Praise and Worship Him. Don't think about anything else, don't wonder when "it" will happen, just think about God. At some point you will "feel" (no better word) a stirring in you - press on through - do not examine it or think about it. When your words that you are speaking "feel full" in your mouth, just keep speaking. You will speak in words you do not understand. You can stop when you want and you can start up again when you want. Speaking in tongues is not an out of control thing that takes over - you are fully able to speak when you want. This is God's gift to you and is amazing.

If you are to this point and realize that you have never spoken with Jesus, that you have never met Him and are lost without Him. Very simply - acknowledge and confess that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Just call out to Him and believe that He died on the cross for your sins and was raised from the dead and is alive today and confess, receive, that He is your Lord and Savior. Pray this simple prayer, "Lord Jesus, I confess that I have lived a life without You, doing my own thing and I need You. I ask for your forgiveness. I believe that You died for me on the Cross and want to ask You to be my Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me and loving me.  Amen

This is the testimony of the Power of God in my life.

Is this your shake can today? If it is, testify! Share what Jesus has done for you. It's always a good day for a new testimony. 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing words Terri ! God is good. I keep reminding myself Let Go and Let God !

    Gina Langlinais
