Sunday, November 1, 2009


The other day I decided to edit information on my face book page. One of the places I had not commented on was blank. It was the place where you put in your religious views. I had skipped it purposely. I usually type in Christian - typing the word "Christian" was too easy and I decided to leave it blank for another day.

Ok - so why did I not go the easy path and just type in Christian. A couple of reasons - 1. It has unfortunately become a catch all - kind of okay, not Buhdist, not Muslim, and not an atheist, so must be a Christian. Secondly, why do I think it's easy - it's something to hide behind. It does say that you do (or you should if you call yourself one) believe that Jesus is Lord - at least that's what it used to be. Now, it is just as likely to mean you attend church twice a year.

So what did I finally type? I put in "Follower of Jesus". I had to stop and think this through - did I really, really mean that or was it just another label that was self designated? In identifying myself as a Follower of Jesus I had to acknowledge that what I wanted to say was all or nothing. I had to understand that I was identifying myself as a radical believer, or as an old song sang about, A Jesus Freak. I also had to realize that for 10 years I have been asleep - truly going thru the motions but not living a sold out life for the One I gave my life to 21 years ago.

In perspective, I am on a daily walk to grow closer to Jesus. To pursue His heart and to truly know Him. He has identified the way - it's just a matter of deciding to follow Him and then... Do it. I will have days that I will fail. I am a sinner, but I also know that He is ever with me and His Word does say that if we confess He is faithful to forgive.

I am wiping the sleep out of my eyes, looking up to a much better prize and following Him, Jesus.

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